if you want more money either change these values or the lootmoney_multiplier value. (only if lootmoney_getstalkermoney isnt enabled ofc) novice = 25,400 rank = min,max.

lootmoney_debug = true should it show you debug messages? (for dev only, it will fill your pda with debug informations) here you can setup the default ammount of money that you will get per corpse for each rank. lootmoney_message = true should it show the found money message? lootmoney_npc_collect = true should npcs be able to collect money from dead stalkers? you wont be able to collect from these bodies anymore. Wont work if lootmoney_stash not enabled. lootmoney_stash = true should it create random stashes? lootmoney_stashchance = 10 chance of spawning a random stash. He decided to attack on his own the Freedom faction and kill their leader, Lukash. He's a member of the Duty Faction and bears the rank of Colonel.

lootmoney_getstalkermoney = false instead of a random money value, you get the ammount of money that the dead npc had. Skull is a non playable character in STALKER: Shadow of Chernobyl and STALKER: Call of Pripyat. 100 = 100% lootmoney_multiplier = 1 change if you want less or more money per corpse. Lootmoney_dropchance = 100 the chance of the npc to drop money.